Individual Lessons
Individuals will be provided 30-minute weekly one-on-one music lessons (at any level…beginner through advanced) for 12 weeks. Students may use their own instrument or one provided on-site. Instructors will be seasoned musicians and music educators. Over the course of 12 weeks, students will learn a variety of skills with the goal of performing several songs proficiently at the conclusion of the course. Due to high demand, students will be limited to two semesters of funding from WMF. At the conclusion of two semesters, they will be invited to participate in an alumni program.

Music Therapy
Warrior Music Foundation is partnering with Helping Harmony Music Therapy to offer access to an on-staff music therapist who can help build an individualized therapy plan and/or refer the applicant to services at third party medical/therapy providers. All lessons (both in-person and online) will be guided by the Helping Harmony team to ensure the teachers, coaches and staff are educated in all issues relevant to our program needs.

Online Lessons
Similar to in-person individual lessons, students will be provided 30-minute weekly online music lessons (at any level…beginner through advanced) for 12 weeks. Instruments will NOT be provided to students opting for online lessons. We have the same program objectives for online lessons as we do for in-person lessons.